Historic Projects
North Solihull Partnership, Solihull
THE North Solihull Partnership brought together Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, Bellway Homes, West Mercia Housing Association and Sigma Inpartnership Ltd, a subsidiary of Sigma Capital. The ambitious regeneration project covers a 1000 acres to the east of Birmingham and adjacent to Birmingham International Airport and the National Exhibition Centre.
The programme is ongoing but to date significant achievements have been made including:
- 1451 new homes consented and 1049 built
- 508 private and 541 RSL (52% affordable)
- 4 new primary schools with 2 more to open in September 2015
- £2.5m invested in improving existing open space and 2 new village centres commenced comprising 30,000 sqft of mixed use retail and office, new medical centre and assisted living scheme.
During 2007-2010 Will, as Development Director of Inpartnership (now part of the Sigma Group) oversaw the provision of development management services, including strategic development planning, coordination and procurement of development works and general development management of the village centres and schools programme.